Pattern design (in/out Puppies) for Underdog
Everyone Loves an Underdog®︎ (Underdog Collection) is Tani's charity project. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to dog shelters and the non-profit organizations with which they collaborate.
In the design called in/out Puppies, the black and white stripes represent the fact that our inner and outer lives are two sides of the same coin and that both of them are what make us who we are.
Everyone Loves an Underdog®︎ (Underdog Collection) is Tani's charity project. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to dog shelters and the non-profit organizations with which they collaborate.
In the design called in/out Puppies, the black and white stripes represent the fact that our inner and outer lives are two sides of the same coin and that both of them are what make us who we are.
Client: Tani Japan
Tani JapanのUnderdogというチャリティシリーズのデザイン。
in/out Puppiesというデザインで、ストライプの白と黒は、わたしたちの内面と外見が表裏一体であることを表し、そのどちらもが、その人の魅力であることを意味しています。

Pattern design (Black Dog) for Underdog
Everyone Loves an Underdog®︎ (Underdog Collection) is Tani's charity project. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to dog shelters and the non-profit organizations with which they collaborate.
The many dogs depicted are of different breeds and may or may not be wearing collars. The design represents all dogs are equally lovable.
Everyone Loves an Underdog®︎ (Underdog Collection) is Tani's charity project. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to dog shelters and the non-profit organizations with which they collaborate.
The many dogs depicted are of different breeds and may or may not be wearing collars. The design represents all dogs are equally lovable.
Client: Tani Japan
Tani JapanのUnderdogというチャリティシリーズのデザイン。
Black Dogというデザインで、描かれているたくさんの犬たちは、犬種も異なれば、首輪をつけていたりいなかったり。どの犬も等しく愛すべき存在であることを表現しています。