For Global Diversity Awareness Month, Google commissioned artists from the Asian & Pacific Islander, Black, Latino, LGBTQ+, and Native American communities to create a collection of themes for the Chrome browser. I contributed the four browser themes as an artist from the Asian & Pacific Islanders.
Chromeブラウザ用のテーマ・コレクションはGlobal Diversity Awareness月間にあたりAsian & Pacific Islander、Black、Latino、LGBTQ+、Native Americanの各コミュニティのアーティストにGoogleから依頼があり制作したものです。

Google Doodle
Dr. Michiaki Takahashi's 94th Birthday | 高橋理明博士生誕94周年
Illustration for Dr. Michiaki Takahashi's 94th Birthday
Client: Google
Art Direction: Angelica McKinley, Erich Nagler
Illustration for Dr. Michiaki Takahashi's 94th Birthday
Client: Google
Art Direction: Angelica McKinley, Erich Nagler

Google Doodle
Respect for the Aged Day | 敬老の日
Illustration for Respect for the Aged Day 2020 Google Doodle
Client: Google
Art Direction: Sophie Diao
Illustration for Respect for the Aged Day 2020 Google Doodle
Client: Google
Art Direction: Sophie Diao
2020年の敬老の日Google Doodle